Host A Dress Drive
The Purple Prom Project has set a goal of 1,000 dresses for the coming year. Hosting your own dress could help us toward this goal. This also gives you and your organization the opportunity to support our mission, volunteer, connect with your community, and help us to change a young ladies lives; one dress at a time. In order to Host a Dress Drive please do the following:
Fill out the Registration Form below to let us know you are hosting a dress drive.
Pick a location for dresses to be dropped off and stored. If you do not have a drop off location find a designated representative to handle all dress drop offs.
Create a flyer or some marketing advertisement to help notify the community of your service project. Triple P’s can provide you with examples if needed.
Distribute your marketing materials, social media is a great resource but it is strongly encouraged not to be your only marketing platform.
Contact Triple P’s team to arrange a donation pick-up. Email
Don’t forget to thank all of your supporters and encourage them to donate year-round. Monetary donations accepted as well but please direct them to the foundation’s website.
Register Here
Use the form below to register to Host a Dress Drive in your community. If you have any questions, please send us an email at and we will respond in 2-5 business days.