
Triple P’s Foundation, Inc is a 501(c)(3) and donations will be tax-deductible. Monetary and in-kind donations are significant to our growth and outreach we provide within the community. These donations allow for us to increase our demographic and programming opportunities.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Volunteering

  • In-Kind Donations 

  • Monetary Donations

  • Monthly Giving

  • Sponsorship

Champion Giving

As the foundation continues to grow, we rely heavily on the contributions of our donors to continue to support our students. Your contributions make it possible for us to support our prom initiative and programs that we run year-round. Each student is impacted differently but it is our hope to always be of service to them.The “Champion Giving” Program was created to make it  accessible for you to give a monthly recurring donation to support the Purple Prom Project, Triple Ps Mentor Program, the communities we serve, and our continued growth.

Sponsorship Levels

Triple P’s Foundation, Inc. provides a range of activities and programs for the communities we serve. Many of the students who are apart of the Empowering Leaders Mentor Group, Purple Prom Project, and scholarships recipients all benefit from your support that they would not otherwise receive. With the support of our local businesses, corporations, and members of the community we serve, we are able to keep pushing our mission forward. Please consider supporting one of our many initiatives through our sponsorship program. Email us at to access our sponsorship levels.