established in 2016
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Established in 2016, Triple P’s mission has remained unchanged; serve the youth by alleviating the financial burdens associated with prom, building self-confidence, and exemplifying the importance of investing in the community. The three P’s in our name stand for, "Providing Purposeful Perception". In life, perception and attitude are pivotal because it shapes our beliefs and desires. Roadblocks are inevitable, but it is how we shape our thinking that creates the world around us. We can choose the life we want to live no matter how tough things may appear at the time, but it is up to us to create our own avenue to circumvent this obstacle that may appear impossible. In this program, we seek to equip our young people with the right perspective and accountability to persevere. Triple P’s has three major initiatives that are ran year-round: The Purple Prom Project, Empowering Leaders Mentor Program, and the Lacey B. Evans Scholarship.
“PPP” is the Purple Prom Package. This is an initiative that will aid to support a young lady in her senior prom activities. The Purple Prom Package's mission is to serve well-deserved young ladies by lifting financial burdens, building self- confidence and exemplifying the importance of investing into our community. We call it a package because the young ladies will receive a variety of benefits as well as services. Each recipient of the Purple Prom Package will receive a gown, hair service, make-up service, and a corsage. Another component we’ve added on was a Book Scholarship that will aid to support their first year studies at their prospective universities.
The connotation attached to purple exemplifies everything that Triple P’s represents. The very first thing is Royalty and luxury. We want each young lady to feel like her prom night is a royal experience as she is a young queen. Secondly, it means creativity, wisdom, and dignity, which are all values we plan to instill into each of them.
General Questions:
How long does the drive last?
The drive is from March 7-April 15th.
Is PPP a one-time thing?
No, Triple P’s is an annual event that we plan to continue and implement in both states.
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We look forward to your stay.